How does The Hills Learning Centre support NDIS participants?
The Hills Learning Centre are registered NDIS (National Disability Insurance Scheme) providers. The NDIS provides support to eligible Australian residents living with a disability, to enable them to take part in everyday activities. It gives participants choice and control enabling them to select the services they employ for support.
The NDIS supports people with a disability to live an ordinary life. The type of support that is provided includes:
- Support to achieve greater independence
- Support to be more involved in the community
- Support in gaining employment
- Support with improved wellbeing
The Hills Learning Centre is registered to provide supports under the following categories:
- Assist Access/ Maintain Employment
- Assist life stage transitions
- Innovative community participation
- Development life skills
- Early childhood supports
- Group-based centre activities
The Hills Learning Centre offers the following services under NDIS supports:
- My Place
- 1:1 individualised intervention
- Early intervention
- Weekly Social Skills classes
We also offer a range of school holiday courses in the areas of:
- Independent Living and social skills for teens
- School readiness preparation
- social and play skills