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(02) 8850 0555

34/7 Anella Ave, Castle Hill NSW 2154

  • Joshua Pickett

    Joshua Pickett

    Disability Support Officer


    Joshua is an enthusiastic and supportive member of our My Place team! His work with people with disabilities began back in high school when Joshua was a mentor for younger students with special needs and he joins our team with first-hand knowledge of School Support Units.


    Since leaving school Joshua has mostly worked in the IT Industry, having obtained his Cert III in Information Technology and his Cert IV and Diploma in Network Engineering. Despite his qualifications in Information Technology, he has discovered a passion for helping young people with disabilities whist working as a production assistant, on “Love on the Spectrum 2”, a program centred around young adults on the Autism Spectrum. Joshua’s experience in working with those with disabilities helps him to be able to understand the My Place participants at their level and gives him the opportunity to pass on his vital life skills experiences.